Gift the World

Nourishing the World in Body, Mind, and Spirit

Gift the World is an international humanitarian charity based in London UK. We nourish the world in body, mind and spirit by providing critically needed immediate aid, and by establishing infrastructure for long-term support and advancement.

This is Oleksi.

He has not been to school since the bombing started.

We give food and hygiene kits to his family, arrange for trauma counselling, and help him resume his education.

This is Rose.

Her family is being pressured to pull her out of school and marry her off.

Through relief and education, we help stop the circumstances that lead to child marriage.

This is Annop.

His harvest failed, leaving him to choose between medicine for his wife and food for his children.

We give both and help him grow new resilient crops.

This is Fatima.

Her home and shop were just destroyed in a hurricane.

We help her rebuild her life.

This is Isaac.

He's being extorted by his landlord after his business lost funders.

We connect him with legal aid, microloans, and job retraining for the sustainable income his family needs.

This is Hana.

She can't sleep at night without reliving the terror she fled in her home country.

We ensure she gets the mental health and community support she needs to thrive.

Our vision

A world free from hunger and poverty at all levels by 2050

We're stronger together.

Whether you'd like to know more about our work, collaborate with us, or let us know of underserved areas in need, let's connect. It means the world.