“Peace in the world means an end to violence, both within and without – the way we harm ourselves and others. When we live in peace, we live with the awareness that we are inherently interconnected. From this, a courage is born to choose compassionate action toward ourselves, each other and the world.” – Pārvatī
The universal thread that weaves through all religions and spiritual traditions is the Golden Rule of treating others the way we would like to be treated. To live a spiritual life is to speak, think, and act in line with our highest purpose, aware of our connection with all of existence. This is at the heart of Gift the World’s message of interconnection. Gift the World supports healthy spirituality regardless of religious denomination, through meditation, yoga, acts of giving, service, and cultivation of kindness.
When we sense something greater than ourselves - be it a starry sky, an ocean, or an inexplicable wave of unconditional love - we feel awe. It goes beyond all religion, belief, or creed and speaks to our shared humanity and our place within the universe. Awe has been documented to create prosocial behaviours and reduce selfishness. At Gift the World, we create experiences of awe and wonder to support people feeling connected within a greater whole and caring for themselves, others, and the planet.