This is Joanna.

She broke the glass ceiling as a CEO. But she knows she needs to do more for sustainability globally.

She longs for a balance between making money and making a difference.

£7.6 trillion more annual spending is required to transition the global economy to net zero emissions by 2050.

The United Nations Environment Program calls for investments in Nature-based solutions to triple by 2030.

An unprotected Arctic Ocean could cost the global economy £75 trillion.

Ecological Applications (updated for 2023 pounds)

How we help

We support sustainability in all ways.

Our self-sustaining charitable business model proves doing good can be good business.

Our sustainability bond, Nature fund, and peace fund give people like Joanna the chance to use finance for good, benefiting Nature and stakeholders. And our volunteer opportunities help her reconnect with the people her work benefits.

We offer competitive returns to our investors, ensure our employees and volunteers alike are developed and mentored, and maximise every possible opportunity to give to our ultimate stakeholders – the people who go without basic necessities in this very moment.

We unite the power of media, finance and philanthropy for global prosperity.

Other ways we help

We’re stronger together.

Whether you'd like to know more about our work, collaborate with us, or let us know of underserved areas in need, let's connect. It means the world.