This is Glen.

He's a climate advocate burned out by years of government inaction, social media trolls, and disastrous news.

14,000 tons of planet-cooling ice melt every second.

30 to 50 percent of all species face extinction by 2050.

Half our world’s oxygen comes from the ocean.

How we help

We elevate the conversation with compassionate action for Nature and all life.

In an overheated world choking on carbon emissions, where 1.2 billion people could become climate refugees by 2050, we need to take urgent action to safeguard life. MAPS, the Marine Arctic Peace Sanctuary, does that.

Spearheaded by our sister charity Parvati Foundation, MAPS is the largest ocean preserve in history. Foundational to the success of every other humanitarian and ecological initiative in the world today – from reforestation and coral reef protection to vocational training and green energy innovation – MAPS safeguards the Arctic Ocean, our global climate regulator. It protects thousands of unique and endangered species, stops Arctic seabed oil and gas exploitation, catalyses the pivot to renewable energy, reduces global emissions, and stabilises the planet's climate so that everyone worldwide can grow the food needed to survive.

Our creative content and education programs inspire a new generation of leaders, reduce antagonism, and reawaken compassion for self, others, and Nature. We take part in the solution with footprint reduction strategies and regenerative farming practices in our operations.

We protect Nature, so it can protect us.

Other ways we help

Be part of the movement for a healthy planet.
Get involved at Parvati Foundation.