This is Peter.

He was elected to lead his small island nation. But crops are failing and shorelines are crumbling more every year.

He wonders how to protect his people.

Trust in government is at an all-time low.

Fewer people than ever think they will be better off in five years.

Over half of millennials are dissatisfied with democracy in their country.

How we help

We move the political will for positive change.

With the Marine Arctic Peace Sanctuary Treaty, we give a voice to all countries equally. We work with the United Nations to update international policy to protect life on Earth. We bring together world leaders for collective long-term good.

People have lost trust in governments and institutions globally, making Peter's job harder. The Edelman Trust Barometer has documented how citizens are more divided and pessimistic than ever. But Edelman also highlights that people still trust brands. We leverage this to create positive grassroots change: our brands exemplify and cultivate harmony, collaboration and kindness, for healthier communities and connected citizens.

Peter is not alone. He is joined by billions of people who believe in a healthy world for everyone.

We serve the realignment of human laws with the natural and universal law of interconnection.

Other ways we help

Be part of the movement for a healthy planet.
Get involved at Parvati Foundation.