This is Kayla.

Since her best friend died in a car accident, she yearns for a sense of meaning and something to believe in.

90% of the world considers themselves religious or spiritual.

A 2022 Harvard study finds positive correlations between spirituality and health.

How we help

We reconnect people with purpose and presence.

Through our wellness and mindfulness content and programmes, we help Kayla process her grief and feel spiritually nourished in any path she chooses.  

The universal thread that weaves through all spiritual traditions is the Golden Rule of treating others the way we would like to be treated, and living that rule by loving and serving. This is at the heart of Gift the World’s work.

When we sense the Divine—be it at a church, mosque, synagogue, or temple; be it in Nature in a vast starry night sky or through the mysterious depths of the ocean; be in the richness of the moment or an inexplicable wave of unconditional love—we feel awe. Aware of something much greater than ourselves, we naturally shift our thinking from habitual and self-centered to receptive and kind. Awe has been documented to create prosocial behaviours and reduce selfishness. At Gift the World, we create experiences of awe and wonder. We do it so that people like Kayla feel connected within a greater whole and care for themselves, others, and the planet.

"If we do not stop exploiting nature and all life-forms for our temporary selfish gains, we will destroy the world. For this reason, we must cultivate a spiritual culture that respects and worships the sanctity of all beings. There is no other way to save the earth and the human race."

- Sri Mata Amritanandamayi, chair of the 2023 G20 Civil20

Other ways we help

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